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Society: Diary of a Bachelor part 2 -- A Visit Home

The world seems different this morning.  My body is lighter. The tightly wound spring within me that makes me jump and run every morning seems to have gone limp. I open my eyes and gaze around the clean surrounding. Wait a minute! Clean!! My bachelor pad is far from clean. The kindest description is usually “Eewww”.

Ah! It dawns on me – I am home. After almost a year of relentless running around to meet deadlines and targets, I am on a holiday. No wonder my body is as limp as a cat. I roll over and lounge some more feeling like a stroked kitten. I may even have mewed a little before falling asleep again.
This time when I wake up my belly is growling. I wander towards the kitchen. “Oh! You’re up,” mama says brightly, “You’re just in time for lunch. I’m just making hot chappatis.” Such love and acceptance, I glow warmly taking my place on the table with dad and younger brother.

First bite.

Mama: You like the food?

Me: Fantastic. (After almost a year of my cooking, or a maid’s inedible food or eating out, this pretty much feels like ambrosia)

Mama: So what do you do with all the money you earn?

Cornered by the flank attack, I look at my dad for help.

Dad: Exactly what do you do?

Me: I send some home and manage my khana-peena with the rest.

Dad: Peena????

Mama: Ladka haath se nikal raha hai. We have to get him married.

Then come the “suggestions” from both that last till I get up to wash my hands and run away from there.

This happens at every meal. Note the cleverness of timing – meal. You are trapped. You want to eat. You cannot move from the ma-ke-haath-ka-khana. Meal after meal after meal till deadlines, targets and impossible bosses become the more attractive option.

And the brother? To him this is the most entertaining sitcom.