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Disgusting. Five men filmed themselves gang-raping a girl and posted the video online. The video went viral on WhatApp. The men take turns at raping the girl. The girls cries and pleas can be heard in the background. The men have smiles on their faces. Few things can be worse than such a video. Yet in went viral. Why?

One crusading lady uploaded the video on YouTube with a plea to give information about the five men and help arrest them.

The video has been removed from YouTube by the YouTube authorities.

The crusading lady had her vehicle attacked.

This is an appeal to everyone reading to help arrest these rapists.

More than that, this is an appeal to everyone to actively stop eve-teasing and molestations.

Get involved. Please.

A group of three men were molesting a thirteen year old on the streets. The passers-by DID NOT keep quiet. They got involved. Two of the men ran away. The third went into a gurudwara and came back with two swords. He started wielding the swords and attacking the crowd. One person was injured. This was when frantic calls were made to the police. After all this high drama, all three were arrested.

Stop all perverts immediately and call the police as soon as possible.

The crackdown against the threat to our society has to happen with every single individual. It is very well to cluck our tongues and lament the state of affairs but passive inaction will not change anything. Safeguarding our women and children is the collective responsibility of every person.

The fact that women and children are under constant threat is the most shameful commentary on our society. There is no part of the country that can boast of having created a safe environment. Children a little as a few months old are raped. Women in their sixties and above are raped. Much to our collective humiliation a court actually had the temerity to pass a judgement that the rape of a post-menopausal woman is not rape. This is amongst the worst statement ever made.  This is a collective shame on the society we have created and are living in.

These five men who have filmed their heinous act are actually posing for the camera to make sure that their faces are captured right. To make sure that their heroic deed is not attributed to someone else.

Please do not let these men escape.

Please do not let the tribe of such men last.

Please take action.

Please stop crime against women.